I've experienced devastating duckling mortality in my first batch, how do I reduce duckling mortality?

    Farming QuestionsCategory: PoultryI've experienced devastating duckling mortality in my first batch, how do I reduce duckling mortality?
    Best Farming TipsBest Farming Tips Staff asked 4 months ago

    I've experienced devastating duckling mortality in my first batch, with a significant number dying within the first few weeks. Despite providing what I believed was adequate care—a heat lamp, clean water, and chick starter feed—many ducklings did not survive. I'm unsure what went wrong. What are the common causes of high duckling mortality, and how can I prevent these losses in future batches?

    I'm looking for clear guidance on all aspects of duckling husbandry, including optimal brooding temperatures and humidity, proper feed and water management, recognizing signs of illness or distress in ducklings, and implementing effective disease prevention strategies. Detailed information on common duckling diseases, their symptoms, and appropriate treatments would be particularly helpful. I also need guidance on selecting healthy hatching eggs and ensuring proper incubation conditions.