My hens have started eating their own eggs, how do I stop this behaviour?

    Farming QuestionsCategory: PoultryMy hens have started eating their own eggs, how do I stop this behaviour?
    Best Farming TipsBest Farming Tips Staff asked 4 months ago

    My hens have started eating their own eggs, and I'm desperate to stop this behavior before I lose my entire egg production. I've noticed a few broken eggshells scattered around the coop, and some hens seem particularly interested in the broken eggs. I've tried collecting eggs more frequently, but the problem persists. What are the common causes of egg eating in chickens, and how can I effectively diagnose the underlying issue in my flock? Are there specific nutritional deficiencies or environmental factors that might be contributing to this behavior? What practical and humane solutions can I implement to deter egg eating, ranging from simple adjustments to coop management to more involved behavioral modification techniques? I need detailed, actionable advice to address this problem quickly and effectively.